Race, Venue Changes and Juror Anonymity: Implications

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David Margolick in his article in The New York Times discuses to what degree race plays a role in juror pools and when a change of venue is requested. The author speculates whether or not a case should be moved in regards of sensitive circumstances (racial or political) (Margolick, 1992, para. 3). In cases that involve organized-crime figure, jurors have been granted anonymity, hence Margolick is asking if such approach can be used in cases when the decision might displease the community. The change of venue is granted rarely and is mainly based on costs and convenience, as well as media coverage and threat for impartial jury. In addition, this article is mainly focused on Rodney King's beating and the accused police officers ( Margolick, 1992, para. 6, and 7). Another reason for changing venue is fear for future retaliation and riots based on the verdict. In addition, the county were the trial was held had a major population of African Americans and their interactions with police shaped a certain view about the law enforcement. Such thing happened 1989 when Judge Spencer moved the trial from Miami to Orlando for those same reasons ( Margolick, 1992, para. 9, and 10). Based on the information in the article, which was published in 1992, legislators in both California and New Jersey …show more content…

One must look at demographics, but not to a point where that is the only source information. When a case involves police shootings or police violence, one must consider community-police relations and whether or not change of venue will benefit the local community where the crime took place. Consequently, judges must be sure that jurors are not impartial and can be objective, as well as competent to make arguments for their reasoning. The social media has made it very difficult to find jurors who have little or no knowledge about a controversial trial or parties that are

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