Analysis Of College Pressure By William Zinsser

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College Compression

The Words College and stress go hand in hand. As a freshman in college you do not know what to expect. There are so many things are going on that we end up looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I am enthusiastic to learn but just not sure where to start. 
My first real compression came before school started. I had my first deadline for The Forum, I was overwhelmed by the other writers on the staff. The compression to show them that I was a good writer was very strong. I told myself to relax and go with the flow. 
When I walked on the campus of Woodbury 2months ago I was enthusiastic as well as a little frightened. After being out of high school for over 12 years I was at a loss of where I stood. This is …show more content…

In the first of his essay he said that there are four main kinds of compressions that the student faced and they are economic compression, parental compression, peer compression, self-induced compression. All of these compressions effect negatively in the students college life. Zinsser asked himself a lot of questions during his essay, why the students complain about the college life? Why they face a hard time to finish their college studying? And finally he found out that these four kinds of compressions have bad effect on the student’s college life. But in my opinion some of college compressions have advantages which give the students the motive to succeed in his college life. So what I want to say in the following paragraphs of this essay is what I agree and disagree with Zinsser 's points of his essay. 
According to Zinsser, the first kind of college compression is the economic compression. This kind of compression have no effect on my collage life since I am on a scholarship. As Zinsser said in his essay "Tuition, room and board at the most private colleges comes to at least 7,000$ not counting books and fees”. So the students should work hard to pay for their college instead of relaxing after those hard school days. I think this kind of compression have a bad effect on college students since he/she has to work hard to afford …show more content…

Instructors, homework, projects, papers that are due, extracurricular organizations are attributes to college compression and often cause students to stress-out. However, college students are not only compression or stressed-out at school by instructors, projects, or organizational activities, but are at times compression by the environment in which they live. Because of schoolwork and social difficulties, students are at times generally inclined to become overwhelmed by their situation and do not efficiently overcome his/her circumstances as needed. On the other hand, compression can be a boost to procrastinators in order for them to get the task done; but as a result, the work is not up to the instructor’s expectations. There are pros and cons of college compression, and students should be aware of each.
Compressions also have several positive aspects. The Pros or the advantages of college compression are sometimes effective because it gives the students the adrenaline rush that is needed in order for them to start the assignment and to complete it on time. Additionally, depending on the length of the assignment, the student occasionally is more creative with his/her work and will effectively work faster because of the attention and strength that rises when the body is under compression. Furthermore, students take stress as a replacement for self-discipline because they cannot start working without a time or date compression.

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