Analysis Of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's The Palace Of Illusions

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This report summarizes my Ph.D. Research progress from Jan 2015-June 2015. The focus of the study in this chapter is on Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s novel, The Palace of Illusion. It studies and analyzes the Mahabharata from a woman’s perspective, i.e. on how Draupadi would have felt and narrated the epic story. The authoress fictionalized history and mythicized it from a new perspective. The Palace of Illusions is a narration of Mahabharata in first person as the protagonist seeing all the events during her life time from her view point. The study explores the portrayal of the myths created by the writer, their divergence from the original text and their point of similarities. The elements of mythopoeia, fantasy, storytelling, fiction and myth making are identified with the struggle of women to regain her lost prestige. Most of the Indian literature is based on patriarchal mythology. Significant theoretical and critical work has been prepared on male-centered myths.
Divakurni has crafted a thoroughly feminine portrayal which is contemporary whilst it’s timeless. It constructs and …show more content…

The description of Dhritrastra in Palace of Illusion is through Panchaali’s eyes. As far as Dhritrastra is concerned as she is forever trying to guess whether she is being blessed or cursed by him. Therefore, Panchaali, in the novel is depicted as a person, placed in a difficult predicament by the action of Dhritrastra. The diverging point depicted by Divakurni in the novel is that the story is told by a Dhai Ma who narrates the tale to Panchaali, of the birth of Pandavas and Kauravas. She explains the aim of Dhritarashtra’s life was to have a son who would become an heir to the throne after him. Thus one observes the mythopoeic elements in the

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