Analysis Of Can My Children Be Friends With White People By Yakah

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The question, "Can My Children Be Friends With White People" was brought up in a headline on the NY Times opinion section and was written by Law Professor, Ekow N. Yankah on November.11.2017. This article was published fairly recent and generated much controversy from both sides of the political spectrum.

In this seemingly race baiting article, professor Yankah expresses his opinion that he will 'protect' his children from the injustices of society by cautioning them against the dangers of the Caucasian race. To cite the article in his own words, he says that, "I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible. When they ask, I will teach my sons that their beautiful hue is a fault line.". What Professor Yankah is saying in lamence terms is that due to the injustices of the …show more content…

This makes it problematic to go after his main points as a common counter argument usually involves the fact that all Yankah wants to do is protect his children. On the other hand the other side argues that bringing children into the political conflict is not beneficial as children should be role models to adults in cases involving race. All a child wants to do is play, have friends, and not eat their veggies. A child has practically no racist tendencys due to their ignorance on the matter which should be a step in the right direction. But instead of allowing bonds between races to flourish and encouraging them people like Yankah debilitate and shakle these values which keeps racism as an ongoing epedimic. Instead of cutting out racism in our children and the next generation Yankah and those who think like him are holding progress back by spreading the problems adults face to the children who have never and may have never faced them,

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