Analysis Of Bullet To The Brain By Tobias Wolff

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“Our days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. Most are mundane, but some are so important that they can haunt you for the rest of your life.” Travis Bradberry. It is interesting how little decisions people make everyday can change their life. Such is the case of Anders in “Bullet to the Brain” whose love of words and his hatred of the mundane cause him to make bad decisions. The combination of these two elements of his life contribute directly to his being shot. People need to read this story in their twenties, because in a person’s twenties they think that they have life figured out and that nothing can hurt them. This story shows that in reality how a person treats others and the words they chose to use can kill them, because life is not always mundane and predictable. Tobias Wolff in the short story “Bullet to the Brain” creates a character Anders that people can relate to because everyone knows someone like Anders. Anders feels superior to other people and feels as if people are boring and predictable. Anders uses his vast vocabulary to make others feel inferior. He uses exaggerations to make the lady in front of him feel like she is …show more content…

Anders thought that he could say or do whatever he chose without anything happening to him. Just because people have a love for language and chose to expand their vocabulary they should not use it to belittle others and they need to realise that life is not always mundane and predictable. People who are missing things in life can focus on things that they can master such as language. By mastering that it makes a person feel superior to others with a lower vocabulary, but that does not feel the hole of what is missing in their life. The old saying that “words can never hurt you” did not take into account that the things you do and say to other people can cause them to hurt you. That is a lesson that every person needs to learn not just young

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