Analysis Of Bernd Brandes

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Bernd Brandes A silver train slows as it enters the Berlin Central Station, a near match to the color of the overcast sky. The drone of the train wheels is the perfect pitch to rattle your inner ear. The only relief is the change in frequency when the air angrily hisses from the brake system. Bernd Brandes waits on the boarding platform, he knows it must 8:30. That is his train arriving, due to leave in 15 minutes. He isn’t startled by the air-brakes sudden release of pressure. He is focused on something else. He boards the train. He has plenty of time to contemplate on the two and half hour train ride to Kassel. He is on his way to meet Armin Meiwes, a man he met online. A man, he hopes, can give him what he wants. He tries to leave the thoughts of his boyfriend, of his career, of Berlin behind him. He searches his pockets for his ticket as the conductor approaches. “You’re ticket, sir?” asks the conductor. Bernd raises his hand, the ticket is resting between his first two fingers. Bernd doesn’t make eye contact, instead, he looks at the back of the seat in front of him. The conductor reads aloud, “One way to Kassel," commenting "enjoy your trip”. Satisfied, the conductor moves on and Bernd settles further into his seat. He doesn’t intend to ever return to his old life. He’s already left …show more content…

Fantasy fills Bernd's head. He imagines what tonight will be like. The sounds of the train embellish his daydream. The repetitive grind of the train’s wheels become Armin sharpening a knife. Stroking the blade against a piece of raw leather. A wave of pleasure travels down Bernd’s spine, leaving his hairs standing and his skin bumped. The rocking of the train car feels like Armin’s thrusts as Bernd receives him. He imagines the pain as the knife presses against his member and separates his flesh. His teeth and eyes clench. The blood pools around the blade before running down the

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