Analysis Of Belbins Self-Perception Assessment

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Following entering all my relevant information into belbins Self-Perception Inventory my results showed that my highest points were as a team worker, shaper, followed by my third highest as an implementer. However it is advised the best results in a group is when a balance of all the team roles are combined. Team workers are often the people who provide support and ensure that people within the team are working together effectively and efficiently. These people fill the roles of negotiators within the team, tend to be popular people who help others get along keeping a sense of belonging to each member of the group. However, their weaknesses may include a tendency to be indecisive and to maintain uncommitted position during discussions and decision-making. Whilst analyzing my results from the belbins self perception inventory I realized why a team worker may have been top of my list. This was because I have been involved with many sporting teams from an early age. I have been involved in hurling, soccer and football teams at club level. In more recent years being part of a team working during the crop harvest at Charles R Wynne ltd working long hours and ensuring correct grain parameters were being met. A shaper is a person who challenges a team to improve. They are dynamic and usually enjoy stimulating others, questioning options and try finding the best way of solving a problem. Their potential weakness may be that there argumentative and may offend people easily. While working with Charles R Wynne Ltd I learned to use organisational and planning skills. I also developed my inter personal and communication skills dealing with customers on a one to one basis regarding plant protection products, animal feed or chemical fer... ... middle of paper ... ...up and indicates progress has been made at the meeting. All of these factors ensure a successful meeting. I have been involved with many sporting teams up through the years. With my local G.A.A club The Harps I have been captain for hurling at minor level. In my opinion I was chose as captain as I was seen as a leader amongst other team players and not on basis of being a better player. Through the role of captain I have learned not only to motivate myself but my other team mates whether it be on or off the field. As I matured I realised how to treat certain individuals on a team. At Junior level I have learned that I may have to be more critical on older players and try to get the best from them where as younger players maybe needed some encouragement. With this team I have learned a large variety of discipline and communication skills both on and off the field.

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