Analysis Of Ancestors By Skrzynecki

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The interpretation of the new is a major factor which influences one’s travel through a journey and ultimately effects the outcome of it. Skrzyneki effectively demonstrates the interpretation of journey through the use of symbol title, and repetition in Ancestors, and Feliks Skrzynecki. Journey has also effectively been depicted in Kelley’s Language Barrier. The major theme of migration has successfully described journey, and the interpretation of it.

The poet Skrzynecki has used language techniques such as symbolic title and first person to show the different interpretations of the new and the journeys which result. The relationship between Feliks and his son is shown to change drastically due to new language barriers, and cultural differences, in a negative way. The title Feliks Skrzynecki refers to the formality of the way Peter’s fathers friends greet him “Feliks Skrzynecki, / That formal …show more content…

Juxtaposed to Feliks Skrzynecki, this poem depicts the way that language and cultural barriers do not only separate people, but can be overcame due to human compassion. “the emotion pouring past her lips,… enunciated more clearly, / than any piece of English Poetry I had ever read” contrasted to “Did your father ever attempt to learn English?” clearly shows the prejudicial nature of some, and how their interpretation of events can affect another’s journey so greatly.
The poems Ancestors, and Language Barrier show similarities in ambiguity. The context behind them are unknown, which creates a mysterious tone. “Two strangers, cried in the rain / knowing nothing of each other’s suffering” and “To what star / Do their footprints lead?” suggest the unknowable nature of journey, and the outlook which must come with it. Kelley and Skrzynecki both effectively depict the effects which interpretation of the new can have on one’s

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