Analysis Of Aesop And Sappho

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Aesop's and Sappho’s works can be viewed across numerous works of modern literature. Their work has been used as the basis and inspiration of modern day literature. Aesop’s Fables and Sappho’s poetry depict much about the time period they lived in. Their uses of myth and folklore reveal the culture and community they originated from. The use of myth and folklore emphasizes the importance of the morals and emotions they want to convey. Sappho’s works exemplify the recognition of Aphrodite by including her as a vital role in the lyric poems. By recognizing Aphrodite, Sappho is able to convey her emotions and sentiments about love. For example, in Poem 1, the speaker calls out to Aphrodite pleading for unrequited love for a person. Sappho begins with addressing her as “deathless Aphrodite”. This use of terms emphasizes Aphrodite immortality. Throughout the poem, Sappho, once more, uses “deathless” as a way to describe Aphrodite, displaying her everlasting life, furthermore emphasizing her capabilities as a goddess. Her tone towards Aphrodite often changes from a praising tone to a satirical sense from lyric poem to lyric poem. For example, Poem 1 shows her praising Aphrodite and pleading for help over her unrequited love. On the other hand, Fragment 102 uses the phrase “slender Aphrodite” in a more …show more content…

Aesop’s works are known for their iconic morals and values. Aesop depicts human characteristics in his use of animals in his fables. Each animal portrayed in the fables provides a common human virtue and characteristic showing continuity in the fables. The animals are portrayed with human characteristics, showing that it is human nature, that humans are bound to display justly and unjustly actions. With his characters, he emphasizes the importance of being right and just. Along with animal characters, Aesop makes use of human and god characters in his

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