Analysis: Is It A Good Idea To Tell Kids About Santa

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It's okay to kids about Santa.
Is it a good idea to tell kids about Santa? Some people believe that telling their children about Santa Claus is a good thing but others disagree. Some people worry about telling their kids Santa is real because they are afraid that they will feel betrayed. Kids that believe in Santa has said to help with their creative development. Parents should allow their children to believe in Santa Claus.
Do you worry about your children not trusting you after they find out that Santa's not real after you have told them he is? Many people are worried about losing the trust they have with their kids when they find out. The story behind Saint Nicholas is a real story, that has real value, so when parents tell their kids he …show more content…

Many people are worried about losing the trust they have with their kids when they find out. The story behind Saint Nicholas is a real story, that has real value, so when parents tell their kids he is real they are not lying completely ("Kids' belief in Santa myth is healthy, psychologists say" par. 4). "They are influenced by what they see around them. They get very excited about characters in their life that have special meaning for them" ("Is it okay to lie about Santa?" par. 2). Most children are disappointed in the magic going away, not angry at their parents about lying. "It's more of the loss of that magical part of childhood" ("What should parents tell kids about Santa?" par. 14).
Do you remember how the holiday felt when you were a child? Everyone, no matter the age or maturity, enjoys the magic of the holidays. We all enjoy the stories and all the festivities that come along with them. The Christmas story has many beneficial attributes -- from generosity to spreading joy to rewards for good behavior ("What should parents tell their kids about Santa?" par. 9). "Fairy-tales and make-believe help children master the transition to the reality of real life" ("What should parents tell their kids about Santa?" par.

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