Analysis: Giovanni Arnolfini And His Wife

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Throughout time, artists have been incorporating hidden messages and meanings in their work. Many of these messages and symbols, when put together, are able to tell the story of what is happening in the scene. In Jan Van Eyck’s painting, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife, there are many hidden symbols and cryptic messages waiting to be discovered. At first glance, the reader may overlook or not even find any of the symbols or fail to connect small background objects to the main focus of the painting, Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife. Many of these background objects are tucked away and may be interpreted as decorations. However, there is a much greater meaning behind almost every object in the scene. My second impression completely changed …show more content…

This is another symbol that I had missed the first time that I had seen the painting. The sandals, which belong to Arnolfini’s wife, are in the bottom left corner and are almost completely pushed out of the scene. Since the sandals are removed and to the side this signifies that the scene of the painting is on sacred ground. In my opinion, the sandals are one of the harder symbolic items to find in the painting. Many people could probably not make a connection with the sandals. Some people may not know if the sandals belong to Arnolfini’s wife since you are not able to see her …show more content…

The fruit sitting by the window shows that the two are extremely wealthy. During this time period, fruit was considered to be a luxury item and would have expensive to import. Placing fruit on a window ledge to rot shows how wealthy the couple is. Another symbol that describes the couple wealth is the wife’s dress.
A symbol that I thought stood out was the signature on the back wall. This symbol, in my opinion, is another hard to connect symbol. The signature on the wall belongs to Jan Van Eyck. Many people may think that the signature is not significant to the painting and the placement is not important. Jan Van Eyck’s signature makes the painting a valid wedding certificate. Without knowing the couple was getting married, it would almost be impossible to make the connection with the signature.
The painting, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife is full of many different symbolic objects and hidden meanings. Many of these symbolic objects require some background knowledge regarding the time period and the traditions and practices. This makes analyzing the painting and trying to make connections much harder for the everyday viewer. In conclusion, Jan Van Eyck’s painting Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife too complex for the everyday viewer and is filled with symbolic objects and hidden meanings that can be

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