Analysis: Can We Prevail Over Cheating

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Can we prevail over cheating?
Throughout my years as a student cheating has always been widespread.
Dishonesty is unfortunately part of the college experience for many students today.
Students cheat because they are lazy and not dedicated to school. According to the article
“Cheaters Never Prosper” (Santa Monica College Corsair) by Daniel Ross, Tuesday,
March 23, 2010, when it comes to dishonesty at Santa Monica College, honest and hard working student have to tolerate those students , who are cheating. Some teachers claim, that a lot of students do not even realize that they are cheating. Those students who know what they are doing, do not want to take in consideration that cheating is immoral.
Penchansky, dean of student states “It should …show more content…

Therefore, we have to fight against cheating and in order to do that, every school and college has to discuss that with students.
Students know that the risk they can be caught is low, therefore cheating is logical conclusion for them. In high school there is a tendency to cheat and noone takes it seriously. Perhaps students are minors, however in college every one is an adult. If caught cheating, you will pay adult consequences. My own view is, for instance, if the boundaries and consequences are sticter, that puts fear into students. It is very disapointing, that a lot of students want to cheat. Del George states “I feel sorry for cheaters, not only because they seem to be driven by fear but also because they clearly lack self-confidence. They don’t believe that they are capable of achieving good results on their own.” (p 3)
Whether the blame is placed on teachers or students it is irrelevant. Cheating is a major problem and every person individually has to do everything to accomplish honesty and prevail temptation over cheating. If a student goal is to get a degree or diploma at any cost, their should not waist their time and simply purchase it online. Yet, if a student is attempting to improve him or herself and gain real life perspective

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