An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Conflict Essay

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In “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” the main conflict is between the character Peyton Farquhar and death. Although the conflict appears to be between Farquhar and the Federal soldiers, Farquhar is trying to escape death brought by the soldiers. At the end of the story, it is revealed the rope around Farquhar’s neck never snapped and he never escaped. This resolution was, however, prepared for by several images earlier in the story. The first image that hints at Farquhar’s fate is that of time passing. As Farquhar stand on the bridge, moments from his death, he begins to hear “a sound which he could neither ignore nor understand.” The ringing sound was constant “but as slow as the tolling of a death knoll.” The frequency of the rings decreases until the stretch of silence is “maddening.” Then the narrator reveals the sound is “the ticking of [Farquhar’s] watch.” Time is passing and slowing down, almost as if it was reaching a stop. When Farquhar loses consciousness, he suddenly awakens, although it feels like “ages later” …show more content…

Farquhar has reached land, escaped the soldiers, and is running through the forest. As the sunsets, he finally finds a road “which led him in what he knew to be the right direction.” The road was very wide, but untraveled. As he walked, he saw no signs of civilization, only the “black bodies of the trees [that] formed a straight wall.” He was able to see the sky, but the stars were “unfamiliar and grouped in strange constellations” that he felt were “arranged in some order which had a secret and malign significance.” Farquhar also overheard strange noises, “whispers in an unknown tongue.” The image created in this paragraph confirms any suspicions the reader may have had on Farquhar’s fate. The eeriness of this scene alludes to the supernatural, with the artificial feel of this forest pointing to Farquhar’s journey to the next

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