An Inspector Calls by John Boynton Priestley

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An Inspector Calls by John Boynton Priestley

The story “An Inspector Calls” is set in 1912 and is written by John

Boynton Priestley. The story, which was written in 1934, is about an

upper- class family who believe that because they are richer than

other people that they are more important. The story was made as a

play by Priestley in 1944-45 using the characters he had already

thought up several years earlier.

An inspector calls is what is known as a well-made play. This is

because of the progression throughout the story from ignorance to

knowledge for both the audience and the characters. Priestley observes

the classical unities of time, place action in the structure of the

play, by considering these Priestley has made the play seem more

realistic because the actual time span of the play while being

performed is roughly that of which these events would take to unfold

in real life. The audience’s interest is sustained not only by the

progressive revelations but by their desire to find out who,

ultimately, was responsible for driving Eva smith to suicide.

The whole story takes place in a “fairly large suburban house” besides

one or two minor flashbacks between characters. The major-ness of the

story being set here is not noticed until early in act one when the

head of the household, Mr. Birling, when it becomes apparent that Mr.

Birling thinks of himself as being a larger than life character.

In the opening act of the play Priestley’s characters show what he

thinks about society at the time the play is set, using different

characters to preach his feelings.

In the play there are several characters and each is different but of

the six characters, 3 do not feel any remorse while the other two do,

these two are grouped with the inspector because they have the same

idea about how people should be in the future.

There are two main characters in this story, these are:

Arthur Birling- A wealthy businessman who is very involved in local

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