An Inspector Calls - Mrs. Birling

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Diary Entry: An Inspector Calls Mrs. Birling

Well tonight has been truly awful. After that lovely engagement dinner

when we were all so happy too! I don’t believe they all gave up so

easily, I was the only one who stood up to that Goole character. I

knew he wasn’t a real inspector all along; no one on the police force

would dare speak to our family in that impertinent manner! I hope this

next inspector is at least not a fraud. I don’t believe that this time

we shall give up so quickly they didn’t even know they were looking at

the same girl for goodness sake, they just naturally assumed. I have a

reputation to keep, can’t afford to be having policemen coming to

question us at all hours. The real inspector should arrive soon; I

don’t believe this wretched girl has anything to do with us but if it

really the same one before I shall stand by my previous verdict. I did

nothing wrong in turning her away, girls like her can’t be speaking to

good women in that way, and it was a disgrace to our family name. Mrs.

Birling indeed! We haven’t half learned a lot tonight though, w...

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