An Important Role Of Hospitals In The Health Care System

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Hospitals play an important role in the health care system (Hospitals, n.d.). They are health care institutions that have an organized medical and other professional staff, and inpatient facilities, and deliver medical, nursing and related services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Hospitals offer a varying range of acute, convalescent and terminal care using diagnostic and curative services in response to acute and chronic conditions arising from diseases as well as injuries and genetic anomalies. In doing so they generate essential information for research, education and management. Traditionally oriented on individual care, hospitals are increasingly forging closer links with other parts of the health sector and communities in an effort …show more content…

I feel that they all work hand in hand with each other. The Hospital is the only source of 24 hours 7 day a week care for many areas. Here in Jackson we have 2 different hospital where we are able to receive emergency care which is a pro in my book. Without Hospital the world we know today would not be able to function. Some of the small towns in this area have shut down due to lower reimbursement for insurance companies and uninsured patients that are not able to pay. Long Term Care such as nursing home here in our community are very viable and really help a lot of family who are not able to care for their love ones at home. The nursing homes provide around the clock care for their patient with is a pro for any family. The mental institution in the area have changed dramatically in Tennessee over the years. I feel that the changes are a pro, patients are not able to be kept in a long term mental institution anymore. They are only able to say for a short period of time. Pathways is what comes to my mind that is in the Jackson area. I treat a lot of mental ill patients that are from the west Tennessee area. All in All, these three types of healthcare system and all important and needed in our

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