An Exploration of Racism

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An Exploration of Racism

I refuse to serve you because you are black.

Racism, it’s something that surrounds us all; some of us may have been

victims of it, or perhaps you have been racist towards another

yourself. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, what job you

work in, you are bound to have at least witnessed racism once in your

lifetime; because racism is everywhere.

Racism has existed for centuries, but during the last two hundred

years hatred toward ethnic minorities has increased. The prejudice

against black people dates a long way back into the history of the

ancestors of the present day blacks and when the first came to the

USA, as slaves.

Although slavery was abolished black people were still frequently

treated as second-class citizens and gave seemed to still have an

image that meant they were not as superior as the whites.

They were segregated on public transport and at various public places

and constantly faced the humiliation of being put down by the whites.

Racism occurs all over the world and can happen to anyone and will

always exist, because people will always be prejudice. For some it may

not be their fault, it may be the way they were brought up, or perhaps

they had bad experiences themselves. Whatever the cause, it will

continue through their children and through the generations. Some

black people themselves are unable to give up the past and continue on

forth, and so use the oppression their ancestors went through as an

excuse to be racist towards whites.

Racism can be broken down into three different forms, open racism,

violent racism and secret racism; these forms of racism have the same

main purpose, to encourage and promote hate towards ethnic groups.

Open racism is the freedom of racial thought and speech. In America

this has been allowed due to the First Amendment that protects

political views on racism. The British National Party and National

Front also come under this protection. Open racists Promote their

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