An Examination of the Palistinian-Israeli Conflict

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The Palestinian and Israeli conflict can be resolved only if both countries agree to internationalize Jerusalem: this holy city is the home of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The city has important religious connections with all three faiths; the Jews and the Christians see it as has a land of prophets and a promised land for all children of Abraham, the Christians see it also as the birthplace of Jesus, and the Muslim have the al Aqsa Intifada. This has been an on going war between Palestinians who are Muslims and Israelis who are Jews caused by conflicting religious and historical claims to the city, the desire of displaced Jews for a homeland and Palestinian anger at the British and U.S backed takeover of the city by the Israeli Jews. The effects of the conflict have been terrorist attacks around the world by both sides and the deaths of many soldiers and civilians.

In the religious history of the Jews, Muslims, and Christians Jerusalem is the holy land. For Muslims around the world, Jerusalem has holy importance; they have specific instructions mentioned in the hadith that "saddles should be prepared only for three mosques: Al-Masjed Al-Haram (in Mecca), Al-Masjed A-Aqsa (in Jeruslem), and my mosque (in Medina)." This indicates the great importance Muslims place on Jerusalem. The Jews believe the birthplace of Jewish people is the land of Israel (Eretz Israel). According to the bible; Jerusalem, its cultural, religious, and national identity was formed there; its physical presence has been maintained there through the centuries, even after the majority was forced into exile. The Arab Muslims accuse the West to be pro Israel because Christians have also been instructed by the Bible that the Jews should live in the ...

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... also make the Christians happy? Abraham is the father of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Will these different people ever come to live like brothers? Will there be peace in the Middle East? Is there any way for a resolution without pointing fingers and forgetting the past? Is the English to be blamed for handing over the Arab land to the Jews in the fist place? The United States government's constitution is separate from the church, why is the Bush administration being accused by the Arab world of being a fundamentalist Christian in his decision to support Israel blindly? Are Palestinians capable of building a democratic nation after many years of poverty, humiliation, anger, and homelessness? Will the rest of the Muslim world who support financing the terrorist groups, use their money to establish a new Palestine, and became a "true Muslim," and learn how to forgive.

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