An Essay On Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

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Another Limb
Water, food, shelter, all things we take for granted in our everyday life. However for animals, this is an everyday struggle. To find water they have to walk miles. To find food, many scavenge dead animals. To find shelter many steal from others. Nature is not fair, and to survive you have to be on the top. In Gary Paulsen's Hatchet, nature is relentless, especially towards the main character Brian. However, it is ultimately his will to survive and his hatchet which allows him to feel at peace with the wilderness. His hatchet is always with him providing what seems like small victories, but they are truly major wins as he conquers his fears and becomes one with nature. If it wasn’t for this simple tool, he would not be able to …show more content…

shelter is all important to survival. Without it we would have to brave the elements with no protection. In Hatchet, Brian uses his hatchet to build his shelter. Throughout the story the shelter provides refuge from many dangers such as, thunderstorms, wild animals, and helps warm him. His shelter provides him protection and comfort. But brian cannot only live just with shelter, he also needs food.
All through the story Brian uses his hatchet to make many other tools. Such as a bow and arrows, fishing trap and other tools. With the tools he made with his hatchet he can survive natures elements and find food. This symbolizes how self effient Brian is, and he can take care of himself without others. Brian might have gotten this skill from his parents being divorced, for he never had anyone in his life that he could trust or depend on.
Last of all the hatchet. Brian uses the hatchet almost everyday. From hunting to gathering to making fires or skinning fish he uses it for practically everything. For many see a hatchet just as a simple outdoors tool, but for brian it is a life saving tool he can depend on. Without the hatchet, brian would have nothing. The hatchet supported all that he did, the hatchet became another limb to

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