An Analysis Of Roland H. Bainton's Here I Stand

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Introduction Roland H. Bainton opens the door to the life of Martin Luther one the greatest theologians of all time. Dr. Bainton, who was a minister along with serving as a faculty member for forty-two years at Yale’s school of Divinity. Mr. Bainton celebrates the life of this great Christian leader, by bringing to life one of the greatest events in the history of the Christian church and society which was the Great Reformation of the fifteen hundreds. The church-history changing act of nailing his 95 theses to the church door of Wittenberg on October 31, 1517 set Luther on course to become a man worthy of study by those who follow him and seek biblical truth. In Dr. Bainton’s work “Here I Stand” we will investigate Martin Luther’s stand …show more content…

Benton reminds his readers that the work that is done here on earth is only a brief period of training for the life that is to come. The only difference is the work that is performed on earth can prepare you for eternal joy or everlasting torment. Luther takes on a vow to God that he will be obedient, with the call from Heaven that he had received from God to obey his will in Luther’s life. Bainton also reminds his readers of the sacrifices that Luther made to be the man of God that he was. Bainton questions his readers on what have they done to maintain along with increasing their spiritual lives before God. Bainton also brings his readers into the struggles that Luther went through in his life along with the issues that he had maintaining his faith in God. Bainton skillfully guides his readers through the story of Luther’s life, above all Bainton brings his readers into the mindset that Luther is a man of prayer and strict obedience to the will and way of God. He instructs followers to pray by acknowledging God as their father, so that it is understood by the readers that they are in a personal relationship with God. Bainton strongly emphasizes Luther’s transformation of the Holy Spirit guiding him into the reformation of the church. Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses placed the church on notice of their spiritual and natural misrepresentation of the people of …show more content…

Luther had a change in his philosophy of how God deals with sinners. Luther believe red that God just sat in Heaven and just passed judgment on sinners. In (Psalm 22: 1-8 AMP) the scriptures talk about God delivering the saints versus just being a God who only judges the people that he condemns for their sins. Luther revolved against the Pope once he realized that the Pope did not have the power to control the final resting place in Purgatory or in Hell. Bainton makes a great point, for the saints by pointing out that the forgiveness of Christ outweighs the indulgences of the Pope. In the end Luther’s theology change featured embracing God’s word from scripture, versus relying on his relationships with religious leader such as the

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