An Analysis Of Natasha Trethewey An Existential Identity

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An Existential Identity by Way of Language In Rights to Identity: An Analysis of Trethewey’s “What is Evidence,”“After your Death,” and “June 1863” in Natasha Trethewey’s “ Native Guard” I made the connection between Trethewey’s effort to write the untold history of African American soldiers to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie The Danger of a Single Story TED Talk. Adichie states, “All of these stories make me who I am. But to insist on only these negative stories is to flatten my experience and to overlook the many other stories that formed me. The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story (12:57)”. The stories that ‘formed …show more content…

These authors come from the same oppressed peoples whose history and contribution to this world is not recognized. We have to search for lost history and untold history as Natasha Trethewey describes it, in order to have a good image of self. In Passages in “Invisible Man”: The American Nightmare I describe how Ralph Ellison works on creating a better image for black americans by showing what black excellence is through writing. The novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison follows an unnamed narrator on his path of existentialism. The invisible man is symbolic of Black Americans as invisible peoples in America. “Although we do not have “social equality” we do have a “social responsibility”. The narrator deciphers these concepts throughout the novel and discovers that the Black American predicament, of socially inequality, gives black Americans the power and burden of true social …show more content…

The black authors I mentioned specifically write about the constant erasing of the black image and identity which helped me to realize that configuring my black identity did not have to come second to my academics or writing journey. I was able to look at the individual strategies used in these novels to understand how their novels became respected works within writing culture. Overall, I will take from this experience that the world of language has many journeys to take me on whether it be teaching people, reading about humanity and their stories, or writing to heal troubles within

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