An Analysis Of My Papa's Waltz By Theodore Roethke

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In Theodore Roethke’s life he encountered the death of his father and his uncle, and I believe he based “My Papa’s Waltz” on his dad. When he was just fourteen years old his father passed away from cancer and this death was dramatic to him and showed throughout his later writings. Bobby Fong said this poem is possibly a “happy memory” that Roethke remembers from this past when his dad and he would “playfully” dance around the kitchen (n.p.). Even if his father had a few drinks in him, because he had a long day at work, the young boy still wanted to do the waltz with his papa. I am sure we all have had a time where we horse played and got bumped around a lot. There has been a good bit of discussion about whether the poem is talking about a father beating his son or just the father and the son horse playing around. In my opinion, I believe that the poem is based on affection of the young boy and his father waltzing around. I get this sense through the author’s use of imagery, word choice, and meter. Theodore Roethke’s poem “My Papa’s Waltz” demonstrates a young boy’s affection for his father’s love, even if that means having to tolerate his father being drunk.
Many critics believe that “My Papa’s Waltz” is a sad depressing poem, when really it is a poem of affection. If people read the poem only once, many readers will automatically jump to conclusion that the poem is talking about abuse. This poem is definitely a poem that needs to be read more than once to fully get all of the details in place. Many critics think the poem talks about a father who comes home drunk and is beating his son. Most people in today’s society see alcohol as being connected to some sort of violence, which is not always the case. John Ciardi states that “My...

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...nderstanding. I know when I first read the poem I thought that the poem was negative and about a father beating a boy, but once I read it again I got a fuller understanding of what it meant. The author wants the readers to pounder whether or not the poem is negative or positive. However, I get the sense of a positive poem through the author’s use of imagery, word choice, and meter. The author puts the image of a boy and his father dancing around like the waltz. Roethke chose his words very well when he was writing this poem. McKenna said that he changed the words in his poem several times, especially the title (34). Then, the author uses the poem through meter as a sense of the dance through unstressed and stressed syllables. From the evidence, I strongly believe that “My Papa’s Waltz” is about a young boy looking for affection from his father, even if he is drunk.

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