An Analysis Of Mark Twain Corn Pone Opinion

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Personal Opinions Are personal opinions made up from your own personal thoughts or are they developed from what others think or feel? The essay Corn-pone Opinions by Mark Twain, shows how corn-pone or every day opinions are formed. It was written in 1901, but was not published until after his death in 1923, in Europe and Elsewhere. The author’s main argument is that opinions are developed from conformity with what their family, neighbors, and society around them thinks. In general, people have a need for self-approval. As a very gifted writer and philosopher, Mark Twain, maintains his audience with the use of humor. He starts the essay out by saying, “You tell me whar a man gits his corn pone, en I’ll tell you what his ‘pinion is” (1). The …show more content…

Society did not like the hoopskirt at first, but Twain says, “Six months later everyone is reconciled; the fashion has established itself; it is admired, now, and no one laughs” (2). He is telling us that public opinion approved of the hoopskirt through conformity. Women especially have the need to be accepted and have the approval of other women. The hoopskirt was introduced by an empress, so the author feels if an important person introduces something new, the whole world will like it quicker than if it was introduced by an ordinary person. Twain says, “… In the first place, by the natural instinct to passively yield to that vague something recognized as authority, and in the second place by the human instinct to train with the multitude and have its approval” (3). Again, Twain is telling us society thinks in order to be accepted it has to be through …show more content…

People really do not have individual thoughts and just go along with the general opinions of others. Twain’s use of humor, rhetorical questions, everyday life examples, manners, literature, and outside influences present an effective argument for conformity. He believes that people like to imitate each other, so they can be accepted by the rest of society and agree with the public opinion. Without self-approval a person does not feel good about themselves and must always resign to be different. A person needs to conform to be a part of

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