An Analysis Of Loung Ung's First They Killed My Father

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Picture two completely different people who have absolutely nothing in common with each other, but for some bizarre reason the pair “click”. It is astounding that two completely different people with two divergent personalities, morals, goals or lifestyles can compliment each other. In Loung Ung’s, First They Killed My Father, the dynamic duo, Loung and Chou are so completely different, yet their relationship works. At the start of the novel, Loung is the striking age of five-years-old and Chou is eight-years-old. Loung is very outgoing, loud, and obnoxious, while Chou is reserved, calm, and level headed. Both manage to survive the horrible genocide that struck their country in 1975 when Pol Pot, the Communist leader of the Angker, turned …show more content…

Loung a very rambunctious five-year-old, is not afraid to say what is on her mind. Since the birth of Loung, Pa had known she was going to be passionate and loud. Since the Ung Family is Buddhist, and auras are a Buddhist belief, Pa knew her personality by Loung’s aura or, “color that your body exudes and tells the observer what kind of person you are going to be” (Ung 14). when she was born. Loung’s aura when born was red and is a symbol of passion. Although having drive and passion is a good thing, Loung also had a tendency to get herself into trouble. When the family was engrossed in the evacuation, Loung was disobeying what Ma was telling her to do. Despite Ma telling her to get in the truck she began, “to climb into the Mazda” because she thought it was more comfortable and did not want to ride in the truck (Ung 20-21). This scene, while showing her disobedience, it also shows her innocence. Loung is only five-years-old at the beginning of the novel, and through many of her actions and choices it is evident that she is naive. Loung asks all of the wrong questions at all the wrong times. Throughout the novel, however, she begins to mature as the traumatic events keep unfolding. From Loung’s point of view she feels that, “although Chou is eleven, only three years older than [her], at times [she] feels much older” (Ung 190). If not told from Loung’s point …show more content…

Loung is someone who is very open with the way she feels and is not scared to say and do what she wishes. Chou, however, is the type of person who is shy and keeps the way she feels bottled up. It is astounding that the two completely different people with two diverse personalities, goals or lifestyles can be best friends and family. Although the pair are completely different, they are best friends and do truly complete each other. This is evident from the beginning when they are arguing, to soon make up right after and again towards the end of the novel, when Loung is worried about seeing Chou in five long years. Their relationship shows that the dynamic duo can make it through anything, including a lethal

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