An Analysis Of Chinese Cinderella And The Metamorphosis

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How many of us can honestly remember how we were introduced to the world of literature? I don’t know about you, but I don’t really remember how I was introduced to the world of literature. But I do remember reading a lot of fantasy books, because for me as a 7 year old, reading about things which couldn’t possibly exist in our world seemed for more appealing. And because of this, I had a massive collection of books on fairies and I dreamed of being one. And yes, I had a wild imagination. And although it didn’t work out, now it make me realised how much of a powerful impact literature can have on someone.
Through its characters, scenarios and settings, literature allows us to enter another person’s world and experience it through their shoes. And though sometimes it may be dramatized, because literature is a mirror on the world we live in, the key themes of books remain genuine and pertinent to us. One of my favourite texts, the autobiography Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah, reflects on her childhood struggles for acceptance by her family. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka also reflects alienation in the context of a hostile family environment.
The Metamorphosis powerfully illustrates the ability of literature help us reflect on the sometimes bitter realities of our world. Kafka’s novella tells the story of Gregor a travelling salesman, who one day finds himself transformed into a monstrous large insect. The rest of novella continues with Gregor’s attempts to adjust to his new condition as he deals with being a burden on his parents and sister. As an insect, he cannot communicate at all and, forced to stay in his room, he is almost entirely cut off from the rest of humanity. His father locks Gregor in his room and later t...

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...Adeline had to face in their worlds. After reading Gregor’s and Adeline’s stories, and seeing the world from their perspectives, I’ve got to thank them for making me appreciate that the rejection and denial of love which they lived through has never been part of my experience. Because did you know that raising two children to the age of 21 will cost approximately $1 million? Although I may be a financial load to my parents, the fact is I receive all the love and support from my family and have never been made to feel a burden. Empathising with the plight of literary characters enables us to find points of parallels and contrast with the situations, with which they are confronted in the case of Metamorphosis and Chinese Cinderella, this process has awakened in me a deep sense of gratitude for the life and family with which I have been blessed in our lucky country.

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