Exploring Homoerotic Desires through Masculine Façade

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One of the most important and illuminating plot points of the movie is the idea that they had sex with each other’s girlfriends. It is through the various scenes that involve it that we see not just the aggressive side of machismo as they physically attack each other as well as hurl both homophobic a classist insults as one another. Following their initial argument about Julio sleeping with Tenoche’s girlfriend Julio and Luisa have sex in the car in the view of Tenoche. Upon his return he reveals that he too has slept with his friends’ girlfriend. It is here where the boys not only get into a physical altercation but start yelling homophobic slurs as well as ridiculing one another’s social class. It is also in this crucial moment that Luisa exasperated at both boys and their behavior accuses them of “just wanting to fuck each other.” It is here that we clearly see the boys trying to cover up their true homoerotic desires with a thinly veiled masculine façade. At the conclusion of the film we finally see the bits and pieces of the movie come together. Upon reaching Boca del Cielo the trio is finally in their idea of heaven. It is here while the boys and Luisa are drunk and toasting to life (Luisa) and sex (Julio and Tenoche) …show more content…

Because of the its machista imagery Mexican cinema has customarily placed women in a specific role as well as paint them in a very restrictive image. This is the virgin/whore dichotomy or the idea that female characters are painted as one dimensional either being good, pure, and virginal or evil, manipulative, and promiscuous. In the early 2000s movies like Amores Perros and Y Tu Mamá También had begun to challenge this kind of narrative. “The movie continues the revisionist a revisionist trend that questions the position of women in vis-à-vis narrative in contemporary Mexican

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