An Analysis Of Alexander Calder

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The piece of artwork that American sculptor, Alexander Calder, has created is considered kinetic art. More specifically, this untitled piece is a mobile which relies on the surrounding air to move. Calder designed this kinetic sculpture in the most intricate way in order to achieve perfect balance of the massive aluminum and steel components. This kinetic sculpture directly relates to a mechanical engineering technology (MET) major. The primary MET courses this sculpture correlates to are Applied Statics, Applied Strength of Materials, and lastly Materials & Processes.
Applied statics is the study of ways of calculating forces between adjoining bodies. Forces are responsible for sustaining balance and causing motion of objects. In this course we began the use of free body diagrams which assisted in representing the different forces on a structure in a simplified way. Cadlder, I am sure, used many different diagrams and preliminary drawings and designs that showed the different forces on the massive structure. This course also included much discussion involving the equilibr...

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