An Ambivalent Couple: From A Secret Sorrow By Karen Van

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An Ambivalent Couple A powerful story with many emotional events that reveal the characters perspective in many different occasions, which was the story “From a Secret Sorrow” Written by Karen Van. Displaying a very rich character development throughout the entire story that makes the story interesting, and as well as intriguing. A woman who feels as if she is been obligated to provide children to her partner, but she receives news from the doctor revealing the shocking news stating that she is infertile. Fear had seize Faye, simply because of her thoughts of losing Kai, once she told him the bad news. It was well known that Faye was hiding the truth from Kai when she saw when Kai found a letter from her doctor. It was understood that she feared, and was most likely to be a person who …show more content…

Faye “legs were shaking so badly, she knew it was only his arms that kept her from falling” without him she would not be the same person. Kai pressured her staying persistent, it was only right for her to speak to him, since “you’re a part of me, Faye. Part of my life.” Said kai. He was certainly baffled, because he could not think of anything that would be so tragic that she had to hide from him so dearly. Faye tried breaking it down for Kai in a way to avoid telling him the truth by saying that she cannot be what he wants her to be but it made him even more confused and un rattled. Until she finally told him “I can’t give you any children! Because I can’t get pregnant! I can’t have babies! That’s why!” she felt like he deserved better and she was not good enough for him and he could move on and find someone else who could provide him with what he desires, then she stormed out, and left him

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