Amy Tan's Two Kinds: An Analysis

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Culture changes people lives and how they interact with each other. Culture might be defined as protection to other people. Culture is simply the characteristics people possess want to believe; it can change the way people think about life. Culture can easily affect the way people interact with others. Culture changes people's beliefs values and personality.
Culture could change the way people think about their belief system. Brynn Holland wrote about how to log did not want to people of different races to marry each other in the Mildered and Richard: The love story that changed America article. For example, “Richard was white and Mildred was black and in the eye of the state's Anti-miscegenation law they were committing a felony."(Holland 1). In Virginia white male/female or black male/female cannot get married which is why Richard and Mildered committed a felony, but that did not stop them from loving each other. Brynn Holland also wrote about the love that Richard and Mildered had for each other and it was powerful enough that I prevented them from getting divorced. For example, “the Lovings traveled to Washington, D.C. to marry, where interracial …show more content…

Amy Tan talks about the way a person looks at someone might change a person’s perception in the short story Two Kinds. “I soon found out why old chong had retired from teaching piano. He was deaf” (Tan). A person should never judge others by the way they look or appear, .. Amy Tan describes about how somebody want their loved one to do something for their good. “My mother had died a few months before and I had been getting things in order for my father a little bit at a time” (Tan). Jing-mei’s mother died and she felt sad because she knew that her mother only wanted her to play the piano for Jing-mei’s good. If a person respects their loved ones and value them then they can understand them better which improves their understanding and

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