Amy Cuddy Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

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1 A.) Which two types of nonverbal communication (covered in the chapter) are you most comfortable with? B.) Which (one) nonverbal communication are you least comfortable with?
The two nonverbal communications that I am most comfortable would be body movement and voice. I work in retail so I think that these are two that I tend to use the most. I an always coming in contact with people and I have noticed that voice and body movement is very important to the costumer. It even helps them form an opinion about a person and even if they have found the helpful or not. The nonverbal communication I would be least comfortable with would be touch. Unless I personally know the individual the odds of me touching them is not likely. I think that out of all the types of nonverbal communication this one is the most personal. Thus unless I know the person whether it be a friend, family member or a coworker I am closes to I probably would not us it.

2. From viewing Amy Cuddy’s video, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”, a.) What two or three things on nonverbal communication surprises you? B.) What could you about your personal appearance to help you come across as more confident in a public speaking situation? …show more content…

We as humans tend to display the same behaviors that animals display. Whether it is to show dominance or to show that one might be more submissive than the other. Another one would be that the nonverbal effects ones out comes just as much as verbal communication. One thing I want to do is give the power poses a try and also fake it till I become it. And even the simple act of standing up straight with my shoulders back would also make a differences. When it comes to appearance I think that the right outfit or something a person feels confidante would help at least come across as

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