American Revolution Pros And Cons

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“Don’t fire unless fired on. But if they mean to have war, let it begin here”(John Parker). My fellow colonists, we are here to talk about about the problem facing our colonies. The dilemma we are here to discuss is the Patriots trying to leave Britain’s rule. British government has done nothing wrong. The Patriots are completely overreacting, and The Sons of Liberty have taken this to an extreme. It is not a tremendous deal that Britain has taxed us, we should help our mother country climb out of its debt. In all of the battles our king has participated in, they have been trying to protect us, and it would not be smart to flee from their protection. My fellow colonists, if we go to war with our motherland, we shall lose the ability to protect ourselves from other lands and rivaling armies, our economy shall fail, and the cost the war shall be devastating.
If we go to war against Britain, we shall lose the ability to protect ourselves from invaders. Britain has the largest and most powerful militia and navy on Earth. Us colonies would never stand a chance against a fighting force as powerful as that. We would lose a mass of irreplaceable lives in a war that we would never win. Even if somehow we win this war, we do not have the money to maintain a
When our motherland falls into debt, it affects us too. If Britain’s trade slows, it means we will not acquire resources as well. We should help Britain climb out of their debt by paying a slight amount more. The taxes have not been drastic, just a few added cents. The Patriots and Sons of Liberty have decided to mold the problem into something bigger than it actually is. To the Patriots, though, these few extra cents on tea and sugar is enough to commit treason. The Patriots tar and feather people who don’t share the same beliefs, just so we can believe whatever we want. It’s hypocritical, and

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