American Nationalism

542 Words2 Pages

American nationalism was the greatest by-product of the War of 1812 and became very important in U.S. politics as well as American social life between 1815 and 1836. American nationalism manifested itself in many different ways that was unlike the nationalism found in Europe. America has always been very much of a melting pot of different cultures in contrast to Europe. American nationalism was founded in everything from social to economic and political issues. Socially, nationalism was established in arts such as literature and painting. An American arts culture arose and American writers began to gain international recognition. Even magazines began to have American values and principles within them. Americans, heightening the nationalistic vibe, developed all kinds of publications for Americans, instead of having British publications. American paintings became popular as the Hudson River School of Painting was established. Within the American arts, the native landscapes were often a strong focal point. Economically, an American banking system was created. The Bank of the United...

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