American Monologue

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"Joel! Joel! Wake up!" Shouted my two five year old siblings, tears flowing from their sad brown eyes. The twins! I thought, hoping that nothing too bad had happened to them. My whole body was burning as if a swarm of genetically modified super ants had just bit me, but I willed myself to get up. I couldn't let anything happen to Max and Layla, they'd already been through too much trauma. Anger coursed through my very veins, causing every cell in my body to tense, as my eyes readjusted, noticing a tall, burly figure in front of me. Don. After my mother divorced, she was desperate to move on, causing her to find Don, but before she could see through his nice guy disguise, it was already too late. Don wouldn't even hesitate before breaking a 5 year old's leg. I know this because it happened. One hot summers day while mother was away, Don gave us such a beating that poor Max broke his leg. We took him to hospital, but it was blamed on a football accident. From then on, I vowed that I wouldn't let anything happen to my siblings, EVER again. …show more content…

"Had enough?" He asked, clearly amused at the sight of me being thrown till unconsciousness. I felt like a nuclear bomb was brewing inside of me, but even that would have no effect against him. All I could do was hold my ground as a human punching bag and hope that mum would be soon. I'd been doing the same for months now, but I didn't know how much mor I could take. An idea started to formulate into my mind, a crazy idea that could go either way, but anything was better than this, right? I felt my desperation for freedom grow, suddenly realising that my eyes stung from crying. I looked over my shoulder to Max and Layla, who seemed to be the same. I couldn't keep standing around like this, I had to take action, for the sake of my family. Tonight, I thought as I was tossed around like a rag

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