American Dream Persuasive Speech

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Several days ago I had a conversation with my Uncle Joe, who by the way is no bleeding heart liberal. He told me than that Donald J Trump won the election fair and square and now the illegal’s are crying foul play and saying it’s not fair that he is picking on young adults who came across the border at a young age and grew up in The United States. Now, because of President elect Trump, they feel like foreigners in the country they have lived for years and call home. Uncle Joe said they should feel like foreigners - they are. He also said if they want to pursue the American dream they first have to get a visa then a green card and finally become an American citizen and then they can dream the dream. And according to him they shouldn’t they …show more content…

Not once did they show an ounce of consideration for the citizens of the United States who lost many hours of sleep wondering if they would lose their jobs because the illegal’s were willing to work for lower wages. The day labor lines that are seen in most communities around the country – you know the ones were illegal’s stand on the side of the road waiting to be hired by company’s seeking cheap day labor for construction, landscaping, or domestic house chores. Hopefully these underhanded companies will now begin to hire citizens to fill these potions and will have to pay them minimum wage. As Trump would say – JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. The media tells us- if the illegals are deported then who will harvest the crops. I’m Caucasian, and as a child my family was migrant workers. We worked the fields in Michigan and the groves in Florida. During cold spells in Florida my father and brothers spent many nights in the groves keeping the smug pots lit. I’ll be the first to tell you that United States citizens are not afraid of dirt or hard work. Then they say who will do the menial job such as washing the dishes in a restaurant. A large percentage of people I know that graduated from college have stories to tell about when they were waiters, waitress and even dish washer trying to earn enough money to stay alive. If the mainstream media thinks for one minute that our

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