America Will Never Be Destroyed From The Outside Analysis

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Abraham Lincoln once said “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” What Lincoln is saying is that the United States will never be invaded by other countries. The only way the United States will be destroyed is if a revolution happened where lots of people did not like what was happening with the government.Or if they did not like what was happening with the country entirely. Freedom to me is the right to do what you want to do only if it's not breaking the law. This includes the right to bear arms, freedom of speech, not being forced to join the military ( unless you get drafted). Freedom is also the people in the united states, What i mean by that is people have rights many rights that makes them a part of freedom too. With freedom there are many responsibilities too. One of the biggest responsibilities is the right to bear arms. This is probably one of the biggest responsibilities because you screw up once with guns you can be banned for a period of time or you can be banned for life if you do something really horrible even if it was not on purpose. another big responsibility law is driving, if you get over the speed limit and you caught you can get fined …show more content…

Many people go to war to protect our freedom from people who try to take it away. also you are not forced into the military. If you do not want to go you do not have to (again unless you get drafted in tI ame of war). Most people that go into the military are going to honor their country or they get drafted. what the military does is they protect our military so future generations can also enjoy the comfort of having freedom. Freedom plays a big part in the United States laws. laws help us stay organized as a country. If our country didn't have laws it would be chaos. Imagine if there was no laws people could murder,steal,vandalize etc. without getting in

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