America Dispatches From The New Frontier Thesis

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In his anthology, Americana: Dispatches From the New Frontier, best-selling author, award-winning journalist, and historian Hampton Sides describes different aspects and characteristics of American life. For more than fifteen years, Sides has traveled widely, exploring different version of America not widely recognized .America: Dispatches from the New Frontier shows that there is no wrong way to be an American. While Americans may seem drastically different on the surface, with different likes and dislikes, and with different visions for the future, Americans are all motivated by the American Dream. Americana shows that Americans are motivated by the notion that get to choose who they become and they are motivated by the idea that with hard …show more content…

Some insist that in order to be a “true” American you have to behave a certain type of way ,speak in an a particular manner, practice a specific religion, or prescribe to certain beliefs. However, I believe that “being” American is all in the mentality and what drives a person to do whatever interests them. I believe Sides’ anthology truly demonstrates this. The people whose life he writes about all have different interests and passions, but they are propelled forward by similar motives that are uniquely American. Since birth, these Americans have been told that their in the land of the free, and consequently, who they become is up to …show more content…

The Northeast, South, Midwest, Southeast and Western regions of the United States all have distinct traditions and customs, and even within those regions people vary and are part of different subcultures. The United States is salad bowl; different American cultures are brought together — like salad ingredients — but do not form together into a single homogeneous culture. Each culture keeps its own distinct qualities. This goes with the American value of individuality and independence. Cultures from around the world have influenced American culture. I would try to stress that American culture is guided more by value than by specific practices and customs. One of the biggest driving motivator for Americans is the concept of equality of opportunity, the notion that every person can “make it”, given a fair chance. In America, it is widely believed that with enough hard work and dedication you can succeed and provide a better life for your family and

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