Amelia Earhart Research Paper

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Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was a great pilot. Who set world records for men and women in aviation, but as she approached forty years old she was ready for her biggest challenge yet in June 1937 she set off to fly around the globe. When she was ten years old she set eyes on her first plane, but to my surprise she wasn’t impressed by it. She never liked planes until she attended a stunt flying exhibition ten years later there she got interested in planes because a the pilot of a little red plane dove straight at here while they were watching in a clearing. January 3, 1921 she took here first flying lessons that day. Over six months she was able to save enough money to get here own plane. It was a bright yellow second-hand Kinner Airster that she named “The Canary,”. She used it to set her first women’s record. …show more content…

The flight lasted 21 hours, and the flight made international headlines because three others had died on it in the year. After she broke more records and won more titles she was ready for that final challenge to fly around the entire globe. She was having her navigator Fred Noonan go with her. On June 1st, they left Miami and started their 29,000 mile journey across the world. After 28 days had passed they landed in Lae, New Guinea after getting more fuel they left for Howland Island. While on the way there they ran into rainstorms which made it difficult to navigate. They kept receiving transmissions from ships at Howland Island. They had a lot of trouble hearing transmissions during the flight. At 8:45 a.m. Earhart reported “We are running north and south.” Nobody heard from her after

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