Ambrose Bierce's Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

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A war hero is someone who risks their life for the good of others, and their country, one who shows mercy, is not arrogant, and shows true selflessness. These types of heros have been seen in the works of Bierce, Crane, Whitman, and Hersey.
Mercy and bravery are essential characteristics in a hero. In Ambrose Bierce’s short story, “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, he depicts a hero who was not a soldier. A man who risked his life for the opportunity to help his country. He is hanged and did not succeed in his mission, but he is a war hero, due to his sacrifice. The men who hanged him are not heros seeing as “gentlemen are not included” in the ‘vulgar assassination’ that is an execution. The saying, ‘all is fair in love and war’ is untrue in …show more content…

In “Mystery of Heroism”, Crane depicts a fearless soldier who risks his life on a dare. I find this act juvenile, in the setting of the short story. War is surrounding them, and people and horses are dying all around them, and they can’t hold out for a drink of water. On his way back from filling their canteens, a dying man asks for a drink of water. He dismisses him, but then gives in. The man dies in his arms. What is a harsh reality, is that the men and women who are the most fearless and heroistic, are the ones who are not alive to accept praise. Collins returns with canteens full of water and he is praised and uplifted for his small act of heroism, when the true hero is one who does it without anything in return, who asks for no reward or mention. This same selflessness is illustrated in Whitman’s poem, “Oh Captain! My Captain!” The Captain of the story, is one who sacrificed all he had for the war but died tragically before the war’s end. “For you the flag is flung- for you the bugle trills. For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding, For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning.” The Captain is who should be receiving this praise, and the private, or soldier below him, shows modesting in giving the true hero

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