Ambrose Bierce's An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

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Times Final Moments What do you think that you would think about in your final moments of life? Well, Ambrose Bierce portrays what a man's final thoughts are when he realises he hardly has any time left in “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”. The story starts by showing us an innocent looking man who looks like he has done no wrong, getting ready to be hanged, keeping him unnamed, but then gives us a backstory of who he is and what he had done. Now knowing him as Peyton Farquhar, we delve into the thoughts he has in his final seconds; finally bringing it back to his hanging body on the bridge. Bierce’s use of plot structure, sounds, and imagery choreograph an odd tempo for the story. The structure of the story gives the reader a feeling of false accusation. This is portrayed by putting the structure of the story out of chronological order. The story starts us out in the middle of events, not revealing the man’s name and stating “The liberal military code makes provision for hanging many types of persons, and gentlemen are excluded” (Bierce 482). In the next part of the story gives a backstory, stating that he was attempting to burn Owl Creek Bridge, but was caught working alone. The final part of the story lets us inquire his final thoughts as he is actually hanging. …show more content…

For example, when he hears the watch ticking, it begins ticking slow, then sped up; which could’ve symbolized that he didn’t actually hear the watch, but was actually his pulse. Another use of sound is the “music” he heard from the insects, “The humming of the gnats that danced eddies above the stream, the beating of the dragonflies’ wings, the strokes of the water spiders’ legs, like oars which had lifted their boat- all these made audible music” (Bierce 486). That quote slowing down the story to mere milliseconds, slowing it to show us some of the imagery used in the

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