Amber's Prey: A Narrative Fiction

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The air turned black all around her. Black wisps surrounded her, like a python
to its prey. While the air began to slowly recede from her lungs, she no longer could breath, transported to an unknown location, cold and dampness awaited her. Movement was impossible she was paralyzed, cercuming to what she could only imagen was death, but just as she thought it was over, a bright light flashed into her eyes. Blinded from her surroundings, her eyes started to adjusted to the shining light from the new environment just as functions began to return.
Suddenly she jolted awake, comprehending that it was only a dream. For the fourth time this week Amber woke up sweating in her bed after the same recurring dream. The teenager could not figure out why it kept …show more content…

Amber’s mom raises her hand and in the blink of an eye the T.V. remote from the living room flies into her hand. Amber immediately stops laughing and stares at her mother. It felt like eternity to all in the room the parents waiting for Amber to react.
“Well now that i think about it this actually explains a lot, like how you can do everything so quickly! Wait so how does this affect me? Does it have something to do with my dreams?” Amber speculated?
Amber’s mother replies, “That exactly what I was about to mention, every ones “power” is unique, for example mine is telekinesis. In order to discover yours you must claim it honorably, by proving yourself. The dreams indicate the time for you to earn yours is near, and will take you to the origin of our people. A place that can only be accessed and traveled to while in slumber. Once you can finally visualize your surroundings you are ready for the quest to unlock your special power. This is a journey all must undergo, but don't worry we all had to do it too.”
“Let me just start off by saying WOW! This is incredible! I can not wait to see what I will be able to do!” Amber

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