Amber Billows Sparknotes

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Authors can communicate through their words to make people feel certain emotions. In the book, The Pearl Harbor Diary of Amber Billows by Barry Denenberg taught me a lot about what really happened during Pearl Harbor. The facts that Barry Denenberg taught me about Pearl Harbor were accurate, you can tell he truly did his research before writing his historical fiction book. I picked the diary of someone else’s life because I like learning about other people’s life and what they went through. I thought it would be a quick and interesting read but after finishing the book it was very uneventful. Throughout the story, Amber and her family move from Washington DC, to Oahu, Hawaii. Even after they moved and got settled, the story still didn't become interesting. The author focused the story on Amber and her families life moving from place to place for the whole book. Even when Amber finally sees the …show more content…

From researching the real life story behind Pearl Harbor, according to the event occured around 8am, on Sunday, December 7th, 1941. Pearl Harbor was bombed by torpedo planes and 22 other types of planes. As the book described, Amber heard a buzzing noise from the sky, so she looked up and saw a bunch of different planes, she could name them all too. While the author gives a good overview of what happened on December 7th, 1941, the book is still pretty fictional. The main characters, Amber, Andy, Al and Anna Billows are not real. What they went through, is what all the other 2,000+ people went through at the same time but the author made them up. The author did a good job making the story historical by combining fiction and history together. By having the characters feel the same emotions and go through the same thing, set the theme, Pearl Harbor, but still making up the life that Amber and her family made the book fictional and

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