Amazon. Com: SWOT Analysis Of Amazon

765 Words2 Pages has a number of strengths that can help them compete with other high-tech companies. They currently are one of the largest retailers in the world. This is an extreme advantage for in a number of areas such as marketing, distribution, customer base and supply. With such a large presence in the e-commerce industry, this allows to offer more bottom-line products such as movies, music, and ebooks along with the million of other products. This makes the Kindle an even more attractive device for consumers. Another strength has with their electronic devices is they are able to sell them much cheaper than their competitors. For example the Kindle HDX Fire 8.9 can be purchased new on for around …show more content…

According to Pearce and Robinson (2014), “An opportunity is a major favorable situation in a firm’s environment.” (p. 154) One major favorable factor affecting is their continual success year after year. Table 1 represents a look at’s balance sheet comparison for the last five years. (Bezos, 2015) has almost tripled their net sales in the last five years. This type of success is an incredible opportunity. It provides with the capital to continue to branch out into new areas. Acquisitions of companies such as Kiva Systems (discussed previously) and other on-line retail companies such as Zappos, Quidsi, Livingsocial, and Lovefilm have increased the overall capability of These acquisitions create a whole new list of opportunities for the corporation, which in turn adds more capabilities to the Kindle Fire …show more content…

Through strategic acquisitions the company has purchased a number of similar on-line retailers as well as a number of high-tech corporations. These acquisitions have caused to continue to reevaluate their strategic position. Their strategic plans are aimed at using high-tech innovations to improve their marketing, distributions, and delivery while increasing overall revenue. Such advancements as the Kiva robot, drone delivery, as well as devices like the Kindle Fire HDX, Fire phone and the Echo speaker system are critical factors in Amazon’s success and are direct reasons why is considered a very competitive high-tech organization. Through SWOT analysis was able to identify a number of factors for why has continued to increase their revenue every year since their conception and a number of reasons for why they should always be scanning the

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