Amateras Ohmikami Compare And Contrast

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· Amateras-Ohmikami, which means "the goddess who shines in the heavens," is the greatest Japanese god. She represents the sun, shining her daylight on the earth.
Her brother, the god Susanoh , was always terribly mean to her. One day he threw horse's hide into her temple. The temple maidens were sewing and a sharp sewing tool accidentally stabbed to death one of the maidens.
Angry, Amateras hid herself behind the big rock and the entire world lost went dark.
So the other gods made a plan to get her out from the rock. They had a big party in front of the rock, and Amateras was so curious that she asked them what was going on. One of the gods answered, "Another great goddess appeared and we're having a party for her."
When Amateras moved the rock slightly to see outside, one of the gods pulled her out from behind it and the daylight shone on the world again. …show more content…

One day, when Izanami gave birth to the god of fire, she died from the burns.
Izanaki felt he could not live without his wife, so he went to the underworld to see her.
When he saw her, she said,
"I already have eaten the food of the underworld, so I can't come back to you. But since you are here to see me, I'll ask the god of the underworld if I can go with you. You have to promise me one thing. Do not try to get a look at me until I come back here."
However, Izanaki could not wait and he went to the palace of the underworld. There he saw his wife's dreadful body with worms crawling all over it, and the terrifying gods of thunder.
Immediately Izanaki ran away and he used a big rock to block his wife from running after him. That is the rock which divides the underworld and this world. · There were more powerful gods in the heavens, but as his name "Ohkuni-nushi," or, "the lord of the land" suggests, he was the highest god of the land in ancient

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