Ally McQuillen

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Advocating Civility
In both Golding's Lord of the Flies and Marquez's "I Only Came to Use the Phone" emerges what is more than a simplistic story but instead an avocation for the author's beliefs. These authors use several techniques such as plot and dialectical choice to exemplify their distaste for savagery. Both main characters, Ralph and Maria, transition from an individual in a new and isolated environment to a savage who is a part of this place. When looking at Golding and Marquez's techniques of influential plot and dialectal choice, one can determine that these methods of writing are used to advocate civility.
Initially, in Lord of the Flies the main character Ralph is placed in an isolated setting being an island, that is very detached from the civility that Ralph came from, which indicates that at first he will be very opposite compared to this setting. "The fair boy began to pick his way as casually as possible toward the water" (Golding 8). It is recognized that Ralph is not comfortable with this setting since he picks his way through attempting to look casual rather than being relaxed and natural when going about walking. Ralph as well is described as a fair boy, which is used by Golding to exemplify that he does not belong here, because typically someone that belongs on an island or has been there some time would not be fair skinned but instead of a darker complexion. Golding makes Ralph so opposite to his setting as a way of symbolizing the vast separation between savagery and civility. At this point Ralph is not affected by his setting so he therefore cannot lose his civility in an instant. This is Golding preparing the audience for the changes that influence the civility of Ralph to come.
Likewise, Marquez uses...

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...ecome savage, she would have been happy to see him. All she wanted before was to see her husband again, and now she is treating it like he is a beast as well. This is done by Marquez so the audience will recognize that savagery does not work to benefit the victim but take away aspects that they once had in their life, such as love. Marquez advocates civility through Maria.
When looking at Golding and Marquez's techniques of plot and dialect, one can determine that these methods of writing are used to advocate civility. The authors of both works use their ability to tell stories as a platform for their own beliefs to be heard. These techniques they use, such as plot and dialect, serve as the hidden implications of themselves. The main characters Ralph and Maria transition from an individual in a new and isolated environment to a savage who is a part of this place.

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