Allen Iverson Biography Essay

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“I had a lot of growing up to do . A lot of times, I learned the hard way.”( The quote above is said from a guy who has always been in and out of the thorn bushes, Allen Iverson. Allen Iverson, one of my inspirational athletes, is an amazing man who always knows how to keep his head up when negative things come his way, and that is something that I like most about this guy. He has gone through hard times as a kid, through teen years, and even through college and the NBA. Allen never breaks out of it. Allen Iverson with so much struggles as a child became one of the biggest legends in NBA history. As a NBA legend people would think that Allen wouldn’t have struggles anymore, but he still does and never escapes from it. Allen Iverson had one of the toughest childhood that affected him later on in life. According to …show more content…

Also according to, Allen’s biological father was never a part of his life because he was mainly always in jail. The house that Allen was raised in wasn’t really the best house ever. Nothing could be used in the house including water or electricity. The house that he lived in was basically something that can be compared to a porta potty. According to, his house was on top of a sewer that was broken, so from time to time it always flooded the house. Allen explains, “She(his mother) did whatever she had to do,” while refusing to elaborate on that cryptic statement( Growing up as a child, Allen already had big responsibilities. Allen had to watch over his younger sisters Brandy(born 1979) and Leisha(1991),( Later on, as his life went, Allen’s mom, Ann, had a boyfriend, Michael, who lived with them from time to time. According to, Michael didn’t really help with their debt problem but

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