All by His Lonesome

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Throughout literature, the consequences of isolation and alienation are exploited to display the requirement of personal interaction and social inclusion for society. Similarly, Franz Kafka seeks to uncover the potential damage of social rejection through Gregor's transformation within The Metamorphosis, which leads to his separation from both his family and his past life. Within a healthy life lies the power of communication; however, Kafka in The Metamorphosis captures the effects of isolation and its deadly consequences through the alienation caused by Gregor’s lack of communication.

Kafka emphasizes that Gregor’s absurdly neglects his physical condition in order financially support his family. "That's all I'd have to try with my boss; I'd be fired on the spot. Anyway, who knows if that wouldn't be a very good thing for me. If I didn't hold back for my parents' sake, I would have quit long ago. (1.5)". Although Gregor's tardiness to work goes unmentioned until the next paragraph, Kafka establishes that Gregor strives to please his parents by keeping his job. "Gregor […] comp...

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