All The President's Men: Watergate Scandal

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All the President’s Men was a film made in 1976 and was directed by Alan J. Pakula. It details the events that lead up to the famous Watergate Scandal, and how this caused Nixon’s “impeachment.” Although some may say the film has no significant values or lessons to be learned, however, the movie shows the role expectations and deceit present during the Watergate Scandal and how this relates to modern politics. The role expectation in the movie shows how politics influenced people’s decisions in the Watergate Scandal. For example, the white house aide that, “Accidentally,” deleted 18 minutes of tape was just filling the role of Oval Office Aide who does and the president says to do. If the president says delete the last 18 minutes of tape there was no question. It’s just like any job, if your boss tells you to complete a task you do it without further question. Most likely, the aide was also told to lie in court and say that it was a mere mistake. However, everyone knew otherwise and this is what really started to open up the case. Numerous other white house representatives also filled in …show more content…

President Nixon is very dishonest and not straight forward throughout the trial. He tries, and fails, multiple times to cover up his tracks, but this only adds to the evidence against him. Instead of being honest with the American People, he should of admitted his faults and continued on with his presidency. However, he tried to cover it up instead and paid the price for his actions. During the trial, he was caught on multiple occasions lying and was exposed for these lies as the truth always came out due to Deep Throat. Deep Throat provided inside information on the president and kept him in check with his lies and stories. All in all, Nixon was deceitful and scandalous towards the American people and deserved to be impeached which has caused a stain on the United

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