Aliens and Space

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After going from city to city in the Starship, we where looking for a place to stay at. We had left Earth because I was being taken over by the aliens that where discovered from other planets. We knew we would encounter other aliens while exploring other planets so we took proper precautions and brought the protection we would need through out the trip. We where going in outer space so the aliens would not track us and follow us to destroy us.

We had arrived to the first planet and just by looking at it, it looked like this planet was not going to become our home for long. We got out of the starship just to explore it anyway. We started to walk around on the planet and we felt shaking constantly. I thought it was just constant earthquakes and that they never stopped, but I knew I was wrong when I saw a lot of creatures just running around. I knew they were making the shaking because of the number of creatures. It looked like the creatures where hostile because they were fighting with themselves and with one another. We turned around and walked the other way to a canyon that we had seen as we landed on the planet. This planet was weird, it was very dry and there looked like there was no source of water because of how dry it was. As we looked over the canyon I told my brother Jack, “Look how deep the canyon is, and how steep.” He replied, “Yea dude, it looks pretty nasty down there. I think we should just go and tell mom and dad that this place it pretty weird and we can’t live here.” I agreed with him for once in a long time, so we headed back to the starship to take off. We got back to the ship and those a couple of those creatures we had saw spotted us and came toward us pretty fast. We just went in the starship and didn’t turn back. Those creatures ignored us and just turned around and went back with there herd.

My mom and dad had saw the creatures chase us and asked what they where. My brother Jack said, “I don’t know. They looked like small nasty horses.” My mom looked at him like he was crazy or something. My dad said then, “Let’s go you guys.

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