Aliens Argumentative Essay

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While we have not yet discovered the presence of life outside of Earth, the existence of aliens continues to prevail in media, especially in movies and literature. Widely depicted as green, slightly disfigured extraterrestrials, aliens are commonly misconceived as human-like beings. Typically, fictional aliens breathe and move exactly as their human counterparts do; in many cases, aliens and humans can even communicate efficiently by speaking the exact same language. Because the similarities are present even on the surface, it is no surprise that aliens and humans are perceived as having the same type of consciousness. For instance, the aliens we see depicted in the media are projected just as a human would be—they have a desire to protect …show more content…

Posed on a belief in opposition to actualism, “the philosophical position that everything there is — everything that can in any sense be said to be — exists, or is actual”, her idea is in disagreement with those of other philosophers, but cannot be proven out of the realm of possibility (Menzel para. 3). “Because aliens might be forms of superintelligence and postbiological, they would be life forms whose differences from humans start at their non-biological level and extend to their presence of consciousness. Given that aliens are postbiological forms of superintelligence, not only could they be capable of having conscious experiences, but their conscious experiences would differ from those of …show more content…

The question of whether artificial intelligence will ever have the capability of being conscious persists as we move toward these advancements. As silicon-based beings, there is reason to believe that artificial intelligence is not capable of exhibiting conscious—a quality “that may be unique to biological, carbon-based, organisms” (Schneider 231). While there is no way to be absolutely sure that artificial intelligence can be conscious, “to show that AI cannot be conscious, the biological naturalist would need to locate a special consciousness property, (call it “P”) that inheres in neurons or their configurations, and which cannot be instantiated by silicon” (Schneider 233). Because no such property has been discovered, it is in fact possible that AI could have this property or, even more likely, “a different type of consciousness property, F, which is specific to silicon-based systems” (Schneider 233). If aliens, in fact, are forms of superintelligence, meaning they function on a higher level than humans in every way, then they should be capable of having consciousness, though it would not be in the same form as humans. Take animals for an example. We consider bats to be conscious because they behave with intention and possess the neurological substrates that scientists have determined constitute

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