Alienation in Modern Society

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Alienation in Modern Society

I will compare and contrast Mike Newell's Dance with a Stranger and Danny Boyle's Shallow Grave in terms of alienation. The reasoning behind my choice is that these two films have explicit characteristics in the frame of alienation. Both highlight modern alienation in terms of alienated sexuality, isolation, normlessness whereas Newell

discusses alienation also in class and gender difference perspective; Boyle discusses alienation in the working place as an alienated labour.

To begin with, when we examine Dance with a Stranger, we see Ruth, David, Desmond and Andy as film's main characters. Ruth is the most alienated character in this film. Firstly, she was a manager of a night club, she was taking care of the customers, singing, dancing and seemed all right but after having met David, her life was totally

changed she lost her job and she began to have obsessive feelings about David. She sheltered near Desmond with her son Andy and day by day she started to get distant from the world. She began to feel despair and disconnected from social world. The scene in which Andy was watching the television, in the background she was drinking and

looked like a ghost then in the next shot Desmond entered the room shouted at Andy, and the child goes to another room without knowing what he is going to do, and then cuts to the Desmond and Ruth's alienated making love scene. Because of Ruth's powerlessness situation she couldn't sustain anything her self identity became normless, so

her bad experiences alienates her.

Secondly, at the beginning of the film David describes nightclubs as "glorified brothels", and Ruth ironically introduced herself "glorified brothel keeper", in the film characters' relationships are cheap and rough like in glorified brothels. Sexuality in these places are alienated and uncertain, there is lack of love. Also the

relationship between Ruth and David is uncertain and cheap. Ruth fancies David and David likes the way she looks like, there is no sign of an ideal relationship among them also David hit Ruth, treated violently and Ruth as an alienated one has no power over him accepted his attitude. Moreover, David has a fiancée however he was interesting

in Ruth to fulfill only his sexual needs. Thus, this whole situation provides alienated sexuality with violence.

A further indication that, in the ballro...

... middle of paper ...

... cannot put herself into neither David's world nor her past, she again alienates from social world because not having any clear social strata.

On the contrary, in Shallow Grave there is no class alienation and difference. Juliet is a doctor, Alex is a journalist and finally David* is an accountant. There are shots in film from David's boring workplace. There are other people like David who work for a man to make him richer without gaining any personal fulfillment while doing their jobs. They are just a wheel in the machine, they don't know the whole job so they generate false consciousness they don't find do display their talents. So David as an accountant shows us alienated labor in modern society.

Thus, the modern alienation in Dance with a Stranger and Shallow Grave is similar in terms of losing self identity, normlessness and isolation and apart from these norms each film come up with a different type of alienation. Alienation which caused by class

difference is discussed in Dance with a Stranger, on the other hand there is no class difference in Shallow Grave but there exists another type of alienation which is caused by modern work places that leads to alienated labor.

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